An introduction to Collateral Management

A comprehensive, interactive online course teaching you everything you need to know as a beginner to collateral management.

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In the intro, you will meet the presenter and understand the curriculum and the resources you can expect to utilise.
MR_CollateralManagement_Intro.pdf - 925 KB
Collateral Management_Intro.mp4 - 7 mins - 41 MB
Glossary of key terms and acronyms.pdf - 378 KB

Lesson One

Lesson one provides an overview of the derivatives markets and the relationship to collateral. We look at the growth trajectory of the OTC market and see how collateral is entwined to that.
MR_CM_Lesson1.pdf - 2.51 MB
CM_L1.mp4 - 45 mins - 251 MB
L1 reading and viewing.pdf - 163 KB

Lesson Two

In lesson two we will work through some of the terms that you will hear during the course, what they mean or relate to and also some of the providers of services in the market and their roles. We will also explore the lifecycle of collateral across the organisation.
MR_CM_L2.pdf - 1.02 MB
CM_L2.mp4 - 45 mins - 218 MB
CM_L2_FinTech2_clip.mp4 - 2 mins - 11.2 MB
L2 reading and viewing.pdf - 267 KB

Lesson Three

Lesson three will examine the legal structure required to support derivative markets and collateralisation. We will examine the ISDA and the CSA's, netting and enforceability, before exploring default and the custodial challenges that Uncleared Margin Rules (UMR) present.
MR_CM_L3.pdf - 1.06 MB
CM_L3.mp4 - 56 mins - 309 MB
L3 reading and viewing.pdf - 152 KB

Lesson Four

Lesson four will showcase how both variation and initial margin work on a day to day basis operationally, including the calculations, calls and more detail on the processes for portfolio reconciliation and dispute management.
MR_CM_L4.pdf - 727 KB
CM_L4.mp4 - 54 mins - 379 MB
L4 reading and viewing.pdf - 175 KB

Lesson Five

Lesson five will explore the many different regulations affecting collateral, the high-level requirements and the short and long term effects on the industry and what the regulatory horizon looks like.
MR_CM_L5.pdf - 1.25 MB
CM_L5.mp4 - 58 mins - 323 MB
L5 reading and viewing.pdf - 140 KB

Lesson Six

In six, we will delve into the different types of derivatives and their impacts on collateral. Exchange-traded, cleared and uncleared derivatives, how the market operates and what the requirements are for the actors involved.
MR_CM_L6.pdf - 988 KB
CM_L6.mp4 - 52 mins - 276 MB
L6 reading and viewing.pdf - 198 KB

Lesson Seven

In seven we will explore the Uncleared Margin Rules 'wheel of pain', which is the key derivative regulation over 2020-2022 for the buy-side community and smaller banks.
MR_CM_L7.pdf - 1.37 MB
CM_L7.mp4 - 52 mins - 270 MB
L7 reading and viewing.pdf - 214 KB

Lesson Eight

In lesson eight, we will look at the collateral ecosystem to understand how market participants are supported through fintech and industry utilities. We will look at optimisation and then consider the future for collateral and the market.
MR_CM_L8.pdf - 889 KB
CM_L8.mp4 - 50 mins - 275 MB
L8 reading and viewing.pdf - 191 KB

Lesson Nine

In lesson nine we will go through a summarised version of the course to supplement and refresh everything you have learnt.
MR_CM_L9.pdf - 1.89 MB
CM_L9.mp4 - 39 mins - 222 MB

Final Test

Check your learning. Are you now on the way to becoming a collateral master!
An Introduction to Collateral Management - Test